18 Nov 07
Homemade Crackers Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine two cups of flour with six tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of honey, and five tablespoons of water in a large bowl. Mix until it forms a dry dough that neveretheless holds together (add water a tablespoon at a time if it’s too dry). Divide dough in […]
14 Nov 07
I don’t like posts like this, but: my main job is sucking up all my time and energy, and I’m spending the rest of it creatively. Which means I have little creative energy for this blog, I must admit. So, in the past week I’ve plotted out the first novel in the Giant Armors series […]
6 Nov 07
Writing is difficult, which is strange, because writing is easy. Typing is easy. Putting words on a page or a screen is easy. It’s keeping at it that’s hard. There are numerous potholes on the road to a complete story, and many psychological Jersey barriers. I write a few hundred words, then feel a strong […]
3 Nov 07
A haze on the far horizon, The infinite, tender sky, The ripe, rich tint of the cornfields, And the wild geese sailing high; And all over upland and lowland The charm of the golden-rod, — Some of us call it Autumn, And others call it God. […]
2 Nov 07
Work and my Halloween party have kept me incredibly busy the past two weeks. Thus the lack of journal updates. The party was a great success. Those of you who came: Thanks for coming, you made it a great success. Those of you who didn’t: I hope you can come next year. And now, I’m […]
22 Oct 07
It’s been a busy week. My work responsibilities have increased, teaching keeps me busy twice a week, and I’ve been gearing up for my Halloween Party this Saturday. Not a terrible situation. But tiring. I read about folks who work for fourteen hours a day, with great passion, and I wonder where their energy comes […]
16 Oct 07
I’m watching a fascinating bit of internet ephemera: a sped-up video of a guy driving. This is not my first exposure to this type of web video; this one is genuinely interesting. It’s from Lileks, and I’m fascinated by the details. Sometimes he follows closely, other times at a distance. Sometimes he seems hurried, other times leisurely. Why? There are all sorts of little decisions and choices scattered throughout. Plus, […]
14 Oct 07
The second episode of Gundam 00 came out last night. My geekometer is off the chart; this is a giant robot anime series I’m downloading off the internet the day it airs because of how much I’ve loved previous shows in the franchise. It’s equivalent to a Chinese Trekkie downloading episodes of Enterprise as they […]
13 Oct 07
This afternoon I dug through the closet beneath the stairs, wiped a layer of dust off a large tin, and hauled it upstairs. I popped open the lid and pulled out my Halloween decorations. Since I try to pack and live light, I only own a few items that I scatter around on Halloween. I […]
9 Oct 07
:sigh: A day spent lounging around, feeling sick. I feel like I wasted the day, though I didn’t; read a bit, coded a bit, watched a bit of anime. I have a disconnect between my guilt at not being productive, and the amount of productivity I actually attain. It’s never good enough.