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11 Apr 08

No question, I’m enjoying my time off. I scheduled a few major projects today, but the weather was so gorgeous I finally decided to stop and enjoy it. And after a couple hours of sitting in the garden, a glass of iced tea in one hand and a book in the other, I got to […]

Recent Activity, and The Doctor

No question, I’m enjoying my time off. I scheduled a few major projects today, but the weather was so gorgeous I finally decided to stop and enjoy it. And after a couple hours of sitting in the garden, a glass of iced tea in one hand and a book in the other, I got to […]

5 Apr 08

Last night, after watching a bunch of videos from TED, I had two revelations: One: I need to cut my active creative projects down to two (one primary, one alternate). Two: I need to play every day.


Last night, after watching a bunch of videos from TED, I had two revelations: One: I need to cut my active creative projects down to two (one primary, one alternate). Two: I need to play every day.

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