You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
It’s late evening. I really need to write more articles for Your Online Life. But I don’t want to, and if history is any indication I won’t do any more work tonight. I’m used to winding down in the evenings. However. My new mantra is “Evolve. And let the chips fall where they may.” (from […]
14 May 08
Brennen writes: Coffee is a thing you drink when it’s not the right time of day to drink bourbon. — His excellent May 14 entry
Brennen writes: Coffee is a thing you drink when it’s not the right time of day to drink bourbon. — His excellent May 14 entry
13 May 08
Just finished watching several episodes of Alton Brown’s Feasting on Asphalt, where he and a small crew travel America, off the highways, eating only locally made food (that is, nothing corporately processed or prepared). It’s amazing, watching someone passionately committed to a concept—real, carefully-prepared food—delivering on it. It’s quirky and risky; you never know how […]
13 May 08
Just finished watching several episodes of Alton Brown’s Feasting on Asphalt, where he and a small crew travel America, off the highways, eating only locally made food (that is, nothing corporately processed or prepared). It’s amazing, watching someone passionately committed to a concept—real, carefully-prepared food—delivering on it. It’s quirky and risky; you never know how […]
11 May 08
Back from a weekend retreat with some church high schoolers. I won’t bore you with the details, and will instead go straight to the conclusions: I learned that efforts to meet new people are usually worthwhile. And when they aren’t, it’s very clear and you can move right along. I learned not to trust second-hand […]
11 May 08
Back from a weekend retreat with some church high schoolers. I won’t bore you with the details, and will instead go straight to the conclusions: I learned that efforts to meet new people are usually worthwhile. And when they aren’t, it’s very clear and you can move right along. I learned not to trust second-hand […]
8 May 08
Twitter, Twhirl, and FriendFeed I’ve been using these three technologies for about a week now, and I definitely have enough experience with them to say that I’m hooked. Not massively so, but I’m using them. Twitter is basically a group IM client in a website. You join, and add all your friends on the service. […]
8 May 08
Twitter, Twhirl, and FriendFeed I’ve been using these three technologies for about a week now, and I definitely have enough experience with them to say that I’m hooked. Not massively so, but I’m using them. Twitter is basically a group IM client in a website. You join, and add all your friends on the service. […]
7 May 08
FYI, I’ll be at a retreat this weekend that has no cellphone or internet coverage, so I’ll be completely out of touch for Saturday and most of Sunday.