Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 3


(Updated to include bills paid on Wednesday.)

Saturday $41.84 Fence posts for garden
Sunday $37.60 Gas, groceries, and a passport photo
Monday $8.39 Dinner at a Chinese restaurant
Tuesday $39.30 Gas and food at a farmer’s market
Wednesday $1,200.99 Fruit and vegetables, mortgage bill, power bill, iPhone bill
Thursday $12.75 Lunch and dinner
Friday $46.55 Groceries
Total $1,387.42

Okay, yeah, that’s a lot to spend in a week, but $1,100 of that was mortgage, power, and iPhone bills. Cut that out, and it’s about $200 for food, groceries, and gas. Which still seems like a lot.

I originally wrote, “I’d be in much better shape if I didn’t eat out as much.” But I only ate out three times this week, for a total expense of under $20. Much of the money went to those fence posts and $50 in gas this week.

I really hope my new truck isn’t going to cost me $50 in gas every week.

But at least I’ll know it.

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