Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 7

Okay, now that I’m back to regularly tracking my expenses, let’s see how I did:

Saturday $50.57 Gas and tchotchkes at the Renaissance Festival
Sunday $0.00
Monday $0.00
Tuesday $0.00
Wednesday $9.63 Dinner
Thursday $10.15 Lunch
Friday $124.69 Groceries, Halloween party ingredients, lunch
Total $184.88

Not only are these fairly minimal expenses (and mostly due to $50 worth of Halloween party ingredients on Friday), I’m particularly proud of spending no money for three days. I didn’t intend it; I just noticed on Monday that I’d spent nothing the day before, and wondered how long I could last. I ended the run with a delicious Rueben and hot tea at a local cafe Wednesday night.

And this is one of the hidden utilities of tracking my expenses: I find unexpected ways to save money. I become much more conscious of my spending. A few months ago, I simply never would have been aware of how much I’d been spending in the previous few days.

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