It’s rainy, and I have a sore mouth, and a sore arm. But I’m excited, for two reasons:
1) I pulled all my old blog entries off the Internet Archive, wrote a quick Python script that converted them into an RSS feed, and imported them into this blog. I’m still cleaning them up, but for the first time in a decade I have my entire blog, all in one place. All twelve years of it.
It’s a silly project, in a way. But this is part of me, and it just felt right to consolidate it all in an
2) I’m working with an artist to
Why am I restarting a comic book?
I’ve been reading a lot of comics lately. Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto, Warren Ellis’s Transmetropolitan, Scott Pilgrim, the recent Unknown Soldier remake. A wide sampling, really.
I’ve loved the comic medium for many years, despite a singular disinterest in the comics market during my youth (I’ve never been particularly enthralled by costumed superhero stories). While my drawing skills are improving, I can’t draw like a pro yet. So, I’m hiring an artist for this one.
Also, fortunately, the Red Ax story has stuck with me for years. Many stories are products of their time; after a few years, they no longer tug at my brain. This one does, and this feels like a good time to start this up again.
Why not?