The Goblins of Summerkeep

The Goblins of Summerkeep coverLast week, I finally finished and published a D&D 4E adventure, The Goblins of Summerkeep, to

It took a while.  There are all sorts of little finishing steps, such as checking for errors, verifying that the generated PDF looks good, uploading to DriveThruRPG, etc.

I’m also working to make it available in multiple formats, and that’s a classic time suck. DriveThruRPG provides a print-on-demand service, but that requires its own PDFs. SmashWords will publish my adventure to the Kindle, Nook, and iPad, but it requires a specially-formatted MS Word file.

None of this is hard; it just consumes time.

It’s also the first of several adventures designed as an interlocking storyline.  Each adventure can be played separately, or strung together into a central story for a Heroic Tier campaign.  Lots of other stories can branch off of these adventures, as well.  So I’ve got plenty more work ahead of me.

It’s exhausting and exhilarating. I’m moving forward.

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