Where Do You Find The Time?

Quite possibly the single biggest limiation on my lifestyle is finding the time to work on all my projects.

Note: I have time to work on them. The problem is making sure that I get around to each and every one of these projects regularly.

Right now, I have the following major projects:

  • Animation
  • Writing Giant Armors
  • Improving Syllable.org
  • Writing a website for a friend
  • Improving security and general maintenance on this web server
  • Blogging
  • Keeping up with the anime market
  • Scheduling Guy’s Night Out
  • Cooking and baking

Now, some of that gets done “in the cracks” anyway; if I’m bored, I’ll pull up Anime News Network or watch an episode of anime.

The problem comes with some of the more difficult jobs, like website development. It’s very easy to let that slip for a week or two.

And if it slips, so what? Well, some of these projects are being done for other people. Since I’m “turning professional” (in other words, everything I do is professional-grade), I don’t want to leave my work for them hanging for a long time.

How to solve this? Well, I have a few systems I’m working on. I have a card listing each of my projects taped to the side of my monitor, so I can easily glance at it. I’ve written my projects up on my whiteboard, along with the dates I last contacted my client on that project.

None of them are working, though. I’m beginning to wonder if I would benefit from having something huge that bugs me constantly.

Don’t know. I’m still working on this. Any suggestions?

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