30 Jul 07
A grey, drizzly, London-by-Foglight morning. I felt subdued as I drove in to work, my radio silent in deference to this week’s Media Fast. Ah! The Media Fast. This is my second in as many years. I spend a week avoiding all broadcast media: TV, DVDs, movies, newspapers, magazines, books, the world wide web, and […]
26 Jul 07
I left work early today to attend a Toastmasters meeting. This is my second time at a Toastmasters event; the first was at a small club that couldn’t really find members; this is a larger club (about six regular members) that’s been going for months. Good people, interesting topics, and some really great speeches. I’m […]
15 Jul 07
It was a good retreat. Not as full as I’d have liked, but I was shocked when confronting the idea of two and a half days of intense creativity. I ended up reading a good amount of Tom Peters, and journalling lots of ideas. Which is not a waste of two and a half days.
13 Jul 07
Today begins my creative retreat, three days of reading, programming, writing, and generally making stuff. Incredibly important for my creativity, I’ve found; otherwise I feel frustrated by not having time to just go nuts and make stuff.
10 Jul 07
I have hundreds of books. Love ’em. I’m an unabashed bookworm. I get warm fuzzies thinking of a blustery winter day ten years from now, when I remember a favorite book and can pluck it off my shelves and sit down with a mug of tea and just read. So I’ve been thinking. What if […]
5 Jul 07
I want to rant. To eloquently express my frustration with a DVD that contains episodes in the wrong order. And then I realize that I want to rant because I bought an anime DVD of a brilliant, beautiful series that happens to be ordered in a way I dislike. Am I really that petty? Why […]
24 Jun 07
A few months ago, I wrote up a Renewal Investment Plan (or R.I.P, ha ha). It’s a list of significant things I want to accomplish in the next three months. I’m at the end of the quarter, so it’s time to review. Three new skills: Drawing heads/profiles, to prepare for my next comic. Done. Cooking […]
23 Jun 07
Today is Make Day. Thanks to a post on the Accidental Creative blog, I reserved today just to make stuff (and plan to schedule a new one every month). One of the results: check_syntax, a script that will check the syntax of whatever source code file you give it. Currently supports C, C++, PHP, Perl, […]
22 Jun 07
Are you an artist? We’re all capable of producing art. Many people compare themselves to world-class art. They look at their drawing or their story or their song, and they see that it’s not as good as the artists they see in galleries or read in books or hear on the radio. But if your […]
20 Jun 07
Things are usually a lot easier than they seem. I’ve been stressing out over a project at work. An influential person needed some data from me, and I had to provide it by the end of today. But it was easy. It wasn’t all easy, but my worries didn’t lessen the difficulty. I could have […]