Well, Papyrus is receiving fewer good submissions. I really need to submit it as a market to a few more places. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do that tonight. Still, I have stories lined up for another week or so, then I’m in trouble.
I’ve concocted a fascinating little idea: writing a program that can write fiction. Starting off with a
The Wheel of Time game is shaping up really nicely. They’re taking a rather odd perspective to it; a FPS that makes you think (offense and defense are actually balanced). They’ve done some beautiful things with the Unreal engine; the Trollocs actually look much closer to having actual arms and legs, as opposed to
Sierra‘s Middle Earth, a massively
The bad news is that Sierra seems to be making a lot of unfortunate personnel decisions, asking the developers to all relocate to Seattle. I’m wary of Sierra now; they’ve made a lot of really poor decisions regarding releasing games and such.