Thursday, May 18, 2000

Hmmmm, only one week between updates. All righty then.

The BeOS board game is progressing nicely in the design stages. It’s based on the rules for Combat Chess II, but modified a little bit. We’ll see how that progresses.

I’ve been informed that I may have to work over the weekend. Ugh. And I just got my pond kit in the mail, and my Dad wanted me to help him stain the hosue. Lovely.

Last night’s Exposure was quite good. In particular, I liked Red, by Gary (Robin Williams’ Jack) Nadeau — it’s a short about childhood, and how we let those joys of childhood live on. Or don’t.

I sort of hesitate to mention it, because it’s a rather private idea, but I’ve been toying with an idea for a direct-to-video anime sort of series. Not that I would have any way to do it, but still. It’s a sort of serial experiments lain-type story, in reverse. Kinda hard to explain. I’ll post more when — and if — I flesh out the story to a decent depth.

Also note that I finally moved all of the March and April upates to the archives.

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