Here at the fountain’s sliding foot,
Or at some
Casting the body’s vest aside
My soul into the boughs does glide;
There, like a bird, it sits and sings,
Then whets and claps its silver wings,
And, till prepared for longer flight,
Waves in its plumes the various light.
— Andrew Marvell, Thoughts in a Garden, from The Golden Treasury
I’ve finally completed the majority of the gardening that I wanted to do, though of course, There Is Still Much To Do. I’ve put up two posts with hanging baskets on them, installed screens in my French Door, planted a few plants in pots on my deck, tried to get a pump working in my fountain (unsuccessfully; turns out I have a bad pump), and other bits and pieces. I’ll have to post photos here at some point.
The gardening has been eating up a lot of time lately, though. Now that that’s going to be less of a priority for me, I’ll be able to get back into my routine (writing, drawing, practicing the piano and violin), and start work on some other projects. I’ve been meaning to try to write a BeOS board game for awhile now.