Friday, October 27, 2000

Been getting quite a bit of writing done on Wine. Well, not a lot, but significant amounts every day. Which is always a good feeling.

I managed to capture some video from my camcorder, and assemble a quickie presentation with it, so that part of things works nicely. Now I need to figure out how to resize a video (not resizing the play window; resizing the actual video data so it’s, say, 160×120 pixels instead of 640×480). A 50-second .mov at 640×480 came out to over 20 MB, which is rather impractical for web delivery.

I still haven’t heard back from Network Solutions regarding the DNS change for I’m tempted to call them, but their hold times are horrendous.

And meanwhile, there’s been some FUD over on BeNews about some recent sad news about some BeOS companies. BeOS is gonna die. Yeah, I haven’t heard that one before.

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