The company as a whole hit a bunch of milestones this morning, so we were all allowed to go home early. I went straight to the gym, did weights (is there any better term than “did weights”?), and tried to exercise on a
That was fun.
No, really. I love the freedom that comes from running as fast as my legs can carry me. It’s one of the reasons why I’m trying to train myself to be able to run in races.
When I got home, I spent a few hours talking with Mom. She’s dealing with a few things, so she needs someone to bounce her perceptions off of. And, we listened to the first side of the first tape of Martin the Warrior, which she enjoyed as much as I did.
I spent most of the rest of the day puttering about. I managed to code a quite robust XML tag parser for Clio, as well as try out doxygen under AtheOS (it doesn’t seem to work at all; the app exits immediately whenever I try to run it).
Writing Thoughts
I put together a submission package for “Anime Explained” today, in preparation for mailing it out tomorrow.
What’s a submission package? It’s just a collection of everything that’s needed to submit an article to a publisher. It contains:
- The article itself, printed
single-sided in afixed-width font - A query letter, introducing the article and describing my past publishing and work experience
- A SASE (
Self-Addressed , Stamped Envelope), stamped and addressed to myself, which the publisher will put the rejection or acceptance letter in to mail to me
Then all of that is fastened together with the