Wednesday, January 16, 2002
I’m still here, in Front Royal. I haven’t been kidnapped, or robbed at knife-point, or found frozen at the bottom of a remote wooded ravine yet. I’m enjoying myself immensely, especially now that I’ve done everything I wanted to do. Now, I’ll just keep a date with Jane Austen and Emma Woodhouse, and shall return to hearth and home some time tomorrow.
Monday, January 14, 2002
Tanjit. Forgot to write a diary entry before I left. I’m currently sitting in a very funky internet cafe in Front Royal, Virginia. I’ll be on vacation for three full days, and will be returning on Thursday. I’m really enjoying myself. This gives me the opportunity to really relax, with no distractions. I have some writing paper, some drawing paper, and a stack of books — I got through half of The Wind in the Willows […]
January 11, 2002
All in all, I had a good day today. I went back to Intersect for a couple of hours, to review some procedures with my old boss. Afterwards, I bought some plastic pots and some peat moss at a local home improvement store, in preparation for spring. I then went to our Redemption game, which was nutty because we tried playing eight people against each other, all at once. We had to call it off […]
Thursday, January 10, 2002
The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can.Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way,Where many paths and errands meet, And whither then? I cannot say.— J.R.R. Tolkien I had a thoroughly good time at lunch with my team from Intersect today. We chatted about all sorts of things, […]
Wednesday, January 9, 2002
Long my imprisoned Spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth and followed thee.— Charles Wesley (1707–1788), preacher and hymn writer I wrote in my previous diary entry that I was thinking of running off, alone, for awhile. My plans have solidified: I’ve made reservations to spend four nights next […]
Tuesday, January 8, 2002
Well. I keep expecting to feel worse than I do about being laid off. I still feel slight twinges of unhappiness now and then, but to be honest, I feel fine. In fact, here’s what I told Brennen last night: “I feel oddly free, and it’s a feeling that the recently-fierd don’t usually say that they have. I don’t feel depressed or angry, nor do I feel like a burden’s been lifted from […]
January 7, 2001
Intersect Software cut one-sixth of its work force today, and I was among them. Yep, I got fired. I grieved for the job, and I felt angry, and I joked about it. Right now, my mind is sort of unfocused. An important part of my life has just broken — I can’t get used to the idea that I won’t be going in to the office tomorrow morning — and my mind is now trying to make sense of the pieces. I don’t feel […]
January 6, 2002
I keep my Sunday schedule pretty clear, so I’m able to keep up with it. This keeps my Sundays relatively stress-free, which is evidently somewhat unusual these days. In any event, I baked some light-brown molasses spice cookies today, and read the first two-thirds of Zelazny’s Nine Princes in Amber, which strikes me as having a fascinating literary premise, which is obviated a third of the way through the novel, and makes […]
Friday, January 4, 2002
From a book published in 1994 Oh, dear. Saalon wrote a flowing, cogent argument about my Thursday diary entry, but most of his argument is based on a misunderstanding of my entry. Specifically, he begins his argument as follows: Brent points out that Corporate software is, beyond petty complaints, higher quality than “freeware” or “shareware.” Unfortunately, this is a misrepresentation. I never said that I think corporate software is […]
Thursday, January 3, 2002
I spent some time today making Kamidake look prettier. I’ve integrated a fair amount of Eugenia‘s interface, which looks much better than the old one. So, that’s good. I’ve also worked a bit on End of Summer and my in-development webdrama “Quiet.” So, those are both progressing. I also became very upset at Saalon‘s diary entry for today. My feelings were purely a result of oversensitivity on my end — Saalon […]