Monday, February 11, 2002

The job hunt continues. I have had very poor luck so far, but the game is early yet.

[Boogiepop Phantom cover art]

I watched episodes four and five of Boogiepop Phantom today. I’m becoming increasingly impressed with this show. Its major flaw is the realism applied to its character designs, as that makes it very difficult to keep track of the characters. If it didn’t suffer from that drawback, it would be amazing; as it stands, I’m still engrossed and intrigued.

I only managed to write two pages’ worth of Quiet material, but that’s OK. The third page is particularly difficult. Once I work that out, I should be able to write the next few pages with relatively little difficulty.

I’ve been thinking a lot about comics, lately. Unfortunately, this is a bad time for me to rhapsodize about an intriguing medium, what with Men’s Academy tomorrow morning. Perhaps tomorrow.

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