Thursday, March 7, 2002
Liam has written an excellent rant about the state of the music industry. It’s sad when an entire industry provokes commentary like this, especially when most people seem to agree with it.
Wednesday, March 6, 2002
It’s funny, in a way. A year ago, I would have been flagellating myself over a day like today. Now, I’m rather pleased with myself. I made little progress in any of my projects today. After being sidetracked by implementing a new window in Juggler this morning, I only wrote a page and a half of Quiet material, and was thenceforth creatively stalled. I also made a trip to my gastroenterologist and did some grocery shopping. Doesn’t seem […]
March 5, 2002
I’ve posted a review of Boogiepop Phantom DVD 3 to Points of View. This disc contains some of my favorite episodes in the series. Joel Spolsky has posted another interesting article, entitled “Nothing is Simple.” He makes a wonderfully common-sense argument for designing code before coding it, and manages to address two major arguments against it: a confused Extreme Programming perspective and some issues Linus Torvalds has brought up. […]
Monday, March 4, 2002
So yesterday, there was this big ad in The Washington Post about a tech career fair being held today (Monday). I decided to go, partly because I don’t like to do job fairs and I don’t like to promote myself, making this a perfect opportunity to outgrow those childish attitudes. So I printed off a bunch of resumes this morning, drove to the hotel where the “tech fair” was taking place, filled out […]
Monday, March 4, 2002
So yesterday, there was this big ad in The Washington Post about a tech career fair being held today (Monday). I decided to go, partly because I don’t like to do job fairs and I don’t like to promote myself, making this a perfect opportunity to outgrow those childish attitudes. So I printed off a bunch of resumes this morning, drove to the hotel where the “tech fair” was taking place, filled out […]
Monday, March 4, 2002
So yesterday, there was this big ad in The Washington Post about a tech career fair being held today (Monday). I decided to go, partly because I don’t like to do job fairs and I don’t like to promote myself, making this a perfect opportunity to outgrow those childish attitudes. So I printed off a bunch of resumes this morning, drove to the hotel where the “tech fair” was taking place, filled out […]
March 3, 2002
And now Saalon’s reminded me of a story series I tried to write awhile back but never moved forward with. It was to be a continuing story about a group of…well, imagine Cowboy Bebop set in a fairly cheery post-apocalyptic world, where people are rebuilding a very quirky society out of the odd remnants of the old. A series with bounty hunters, weird adventures, a lot of humor, and all that sort of stuff. I’m […]
Saturday, March 2, 2002
Sickness has kept me prisoner today. I did manage to go to the AWANA Olympics, shouting myself hoarse in support of our kids. They did great. I also made a few updates to Juggler, which I should probably release as 1.1.0 here pretty soon. Maybe tomorrow.
Friday, March 1, 2002
I performed some fairly major surgery on my personal website today. I took all of the pages devoted to my own writing and split them off into a new room called the Office. I’ll keep track of all my writing-related projects there, and that will serve as the repository for all of my unpublished work, including the novels that I’ve posted there. I always dislike the task of re-arranging my site, because invariably I have to go in and tweak every single affected […]