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Monday, July 8, 2002

I’ve just officially ended Quiet, my webdrama. I ran out of both interest and workable story ideas, and I’ve realized over the past couple of months that I’m simply not interested in a continuing storyline like that. I want to tell stories that progress towards an ending, whatever that ending may be. I think that the serial form just isn’t my forte, at least at the moment. Oh well. It’s a failed experiment, but […]

Sunday, July 7, 2002

Well. I really feel that I should post something here, so I’ll post a bunch of random thoughts. I finished watching my thirty-six episode collection of Kodomo no Omache today. The series is absolutely brilliant, both comedically and as a series. There’s drama and character development along with fantastic screwball comedy. Kodomo never ceases to impress me. I’m feeling lonely. I’m trying to find new friends, but it’s been […]

Friday, July 5, 2002

I fell asleep in the guest bedroom at 6:30 or so last night, only to wake up at 12:30 a.m. this morning. I decided to work on re-organizing my website, so you’ll see some changes on the sidebar. Actually, I’m not reorganizing so much as renaming things. Up until today, this site’s organization had been based on the metaphor of an apartment. Each section of the site was a “room” — the study, the office, the kitchen — which […]

Monday, July 1, 2002

What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing. You may take any number of wrong turnings; but keep your eyes open and you will not be allowed to go very far before the warning signs appear. You may have deceived yourself, but experience is not trying to deceive you. The universe rings true wherever you fairly test it.— […]

Sunday, June 30, 2002

I’ve been neglecting this journal for awhile. I’ve found that I tend to do this when my life is fluctuating, but I have little to actually do. It’s those times when I’m busy but stable that I find the time to update my journal. In any event, the big news of the past week is that I quit Intersect on Friday. Why would I do such a crazy thing? After Intersect let about […]

Friday, June 28, 2002

Saalon‘s just posted an intriguing diary entry; he posted the first part of a story, and hopefully, future installments will continue it. It’s a sort of epic fairy tale. He’s asked for my comments, so I’m providing a critique here. It’s very, very interesting. I like the idea of off-the-cuff storytelling like this. I’d be scared to try it, which perhaps is a good indication that I would benefit from trying. […]

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

I’ve got a bunch of short updates today, so bear with me: This morning, I finally updated Otherspace Productions’ main webpages with information on Murmur. I’m talking with Saalon about finishing the scripts for Wine to Those in Anguish, so that we can make an animated short out of it. I’m working on a small documentation website for Cosmoe, namely, Cosmoe Made Easy. Methuselah now has a working Debian […]

Sunday, June 23, 2002

I’m sitting at my desk late at night, bathed in the glow of two monitors, struggling to install Cosmoe on Methuselah, and for some reason, this feels good. I love the thrill of trying to wrap my brain around this vastly complicated digital toy.

Friday, June 21, 2002

Heh. Phoenix Feathers is a cute, manga-inspired series about a college version of Hogwart’s. The artwork is pleasant on the eyes, too, which helps.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

“The most interesting aspect with OS X is the way Apple managed to take a Unix kernel and turn it into a user-friendly OS with a charming desktop and Mac GUI. Curiously, no other company has been able to manage anything like this. The Linux folks are said to have legions of coders whose sheer numbers are supposed to be the big threat to Microsoft, but they have gotten nowhere […]

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