June 10, 2003

Note: There’s a new poll on the right of this page. It seems to work.

So, I’m still a bit under the weather (and what a strange turn of phrase that is), but I’m functional. I’m at work, for example.

I completed another animation last night — I added a background to the red bouncing ball animation, and posted it to the website. It’s simple, but again, it proves that I can do this.

Next will be a much more complicated animation: a talking character, with moving lips. Yep, I’m moving into audio.

I figuratively pulled the fire alarm yesterday at work. I e-mailed my boss and his (sort of) boss, explaining my concerns and what I need. This morning, my boss sent out an e-mail to the engineers, telling them that I’m out of work and need documents. This was very nice of him, but then, he’s done this before and it’s had no effect. Well, if there’s no change by the time of the next customer teleconference, I’m going to raise the issue there with the customer.

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