Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Sometimes, I feel like I just don’t have the energy for these things.

Had a good talk with Saalon (as usual) last night, where we (as usual) talked about everything from Extreme Programming to writing to work woes. I always enjoy our talks, since we can just talk. There’s no need to search for something to talk about; it just tumbles out in a never-ending stream.

Work’s getting better. I had an incredibly busy Monday, which included tracking down everyone who has documents assigned to them and asking them for their status. I dislike that sort of thing, so it was a real effort for me. I did it, though.

All things considered, things are going reasonably well. Everyone seems to understand the situation I’m in.

I’ve posted a three-month calendar on the wall next to my desk, and have written in notes on the days when different people should be done with their work, so I can ping them about it then. It’s the best way I can think of to keep track of people’s promises.

On a side note, I’ve been spending a few minutes every day adding content to the Daemonsong Wiki, which is turning into an incredibly useful supplement to Daemonsong. It’s wonderful, being able to pour in content over time.

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