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Thursday, July 3, 2003

I finished up the first disc of Full Metal Panic! Tuesday night, all four episodes. It was…well, it’s hard to describe. The concept is brilliant — a screwball romantic comedy set in a giant mech universe. It’s Love Hina in the world of Gasaraki. The first two episodes set this up and milk it very well. The series is funny, but also has the strong emotional core so necessary to make […]

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

So. Er. Perhaps I should rant here. Problem is, there’s nothing that I want to rant about. I dislike ranting, really. It’s a sad excuse for assembling a coherent argument or actually doing something. If you hate something, either dissect it so it can’t survive, or march down to the square and change it. There’s nothing wrong with emotions, of course. But making an argument through emotion is no […]

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Arg. I haven’t been writing my journal entries a day ahead as I have been for weeks, and as a result, here I am, ready to write an entry but not quite ready. I dislike being so unprepared. Part of the problem lies in my life: It’s been pretty uneventful lately. I’m at a quiet point in my life. I’m calm, I have nothing really going on, and this is good. My animation work has slowed to a standstill as I contact an artist […]

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