August 22, 2003
Saalon, my condolences. An idea has been noodling around in my head for awhile. I want to build an IRC server that’s combined with a MUD, allowing users to essentially play a MUD that sits on a working IRC server. I think I’ve found the perfect framework for this: pircd, a fully functional IRC server written entirely in Perl, and coded nicely. Here are some of my criteria: Minimal combat. I’d actually like there to be some […]
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Okay, now I can actually update this thing, since I have my notes. I spent Sunday on a bit of a road trip. It was merely a three-hour drive south to Petersburg, Virginia. Petersburg’s a small town, notable mainly for the Civil War battle that took place there near the end of the war, during Lee’s ignominious retreat back into Virginia following the disaster at Gettysburg. There’s one big disadvantage to driving into a small […]
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Sorry, nothing to report today. ‘Twas going to write about my adventures in Petersburg Sunday, but I didn’t bring in my notebook in which I recorded my experiences. Ah well; that’ll give me a chance to assemble and post the pictures. Right now, I’m rather stressed at work; we’re going to have an internal meeting today to discuss documentation, to discuss how we’re going to talk to the customer about the status of documentation. This may look like we’re […]
Monday, August 18, 2003
Last night, I watched a bug crawl across my bedroom floor. It was a surprisingly educational experience. It would clamber tenaciously over the uneven weave of the mayonnaise-colored rug for quite a few seconds, making steady progress. It wasn’t hurrying or frantic; it just kept moving. Then it would stop for a few seconds, and take the lay of the land. Then it would continue on again. It struck me that this […]
August 15, 2003
Time for IRC prayers: Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.Please don’t give […]
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Brennen writes, in the midst of a wonderfully mood-invoking post: i suppose airports are amazing things, in their own waysignature elements of our civilization, ca. 2003 (Hmmm. Brennen’s way is better; I should include quotes in a <div> tag. It just feels right.) I don’t know that airports are signature elements of our civilization, if we take that phrase to mean a thing highly representative of a culture. Airports are designed […]
August 12, 2003
Very good online comic. Dreamy in style, very sophisticated, with an interesting plot. I decided not to go to my Monday Group last night, as I’m still rather tuckered out from last weekend. So, instead, I stayed home and watched movies. I’ve seen three anime films in the past two days: Kaidohmaru, Ghost in the Shell, and The Cat Returns. They’re all about as different as they could be. Kaidohmaru is an impenetrable […]
Monday, August 11, 2003
So. Let’s say you want to become the best human you can be. You want to improve. You want to be more than you are. You want to know twelve languages, conjugate Latin verbs, know people from every social stratum, fence, and have a chiselled physique. Okay. Try playing The Game. Choose three or four areas in your life that you’d like to improve. They can […]
Sunday, August 10, 2003
Otakon report: I had a great time with Saalon, but the con itself was a disappointment. Most of they anime showed was already out or uninteresting, the dealer’s room was pretty much obsolete in this age of internet anime merchants, and the con was packed with overexcited anime fans. It was that last which really ruined it; I can live with a merely average con, but when you’re […]
Friday, August 8, 2003
Oops! Forgot to write anything of real substance for today. Which, perhaps, is good, as so much is going on in my life. I suppose I’m best served by shifting into Immediate Update Mode until my life slides back into a less turbulent phase. I stopped by my parent’s house last night to swap out my truck for their SUV. It’s a Nissan Pathfinder, a good, solid SUV that doesn’t dominate the road like an angry […]