Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I’ve been going through quite a lot in the past couple of days. After an intense weekend, I had an immeasurably more intense Monday Group. Two of the folks in the group are having a really rough time right now. We ended up just talking about what we want and need from each other, as a small community, to support each other and build each other up. It was good, but powerful and spiritually exhausting.

I’ve also been making some changes at work. I used to check my personal e-mail first thing, so I could get it done with and out of the way. But I’ve realized that I tended to get distracted by personal business as a result, and had trouble getting back on the ball with work.

So now, I wait until lunch to do my e-mails. That’s working pretty well thus far; with a couple of hours of work under my belt, it’s easier to return to work after a brief e-mail excursion.

That’s all for now.

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