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Sunday, September 4, 2005

Just finished watching Ong-Bak, and what an enjoyable movie that is. Harsh, painful, serious…but there’s lots of amazing action and stunt scenes. A good, good film. Sadly, my pounding headache insists that I write no further. Perhaps more tomorrow, as I’ll have the day off. Briefly, I’ve had a pretty uneventful weekend. Did a bunch of chores Saturday morning, had a very long Otherspace meeting Saturday afternoong, mostly […]

Friday, September 2, 2005

Gah. Got back from running, which is good, except it’s made me very tired, which is bad. I think I’m just not used to running, and I’m certainly not used to running for 45 minutes at a time. But I’ve been listening to EarthCore and The Three Musketeers. EarthCore is decently written but wonderfully performed by the author, while The Three Musketeers is brilliantly performed by an Englishman. The 45 minutes […]

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Well, that was most remarkable. I bought myself an iPod Shuffle today, primarily because of an article in Runner’s World in which the author enthused over his times spent running while listening to audiobooks on his iPod. I’ve been thinking about running again after getting no exercise for the past few months, so I figured that $100 was a reasonable investment. I left the house at 10:00, recognizing that I can usually […]

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