Just went to the theater and watched Chicken Little, which I thoroughly enjoyed. A shame about the negative reviews; I don’t know why people expect The Incredibles from Disney Feature Animation. Those are some amazing animators—the character animation in Chicken Little is
(Not that the writing was bad, either; it just isn’t as strong as the other great animated films made in the past few years, such as Spirited Away and The Incredibles.)
Anyvay. Got back, talked on the phone with Saalon about it for a while, as I drank tea and ate cookies in my back yard, basking in the perfect weather. Mostly sunny,
And it should be even better tonight, as I plan to spend a good chunk of the evening on my major projects: writing Giant Armors and drawing.
So what made the day so good? It wasn’t just because I was relaxing. I’m not, really; a movie is not a relaxing experience. Talking with a friend is not really a relaxing experience; it’s energizing.
I’m feeding my values. Animation is important to me, which is why I decided to see Chicken Little (otherwise why would a 29-
And I’ve spent time actually sitting down and thinking about what’s particularly important to me. Lots of things are important, but we each have certain values and virtues and desires that have strong meaning. One person has strong feelings about the environment. Another has a strong belief in building community. Neither is wrong to pursue that particular feeling with unique passion.
But how many of us have sat down with pen and paper, and asked ourselves, “What is particularly important to me? If I took away everything anyone’s ever told me about my likes and passions, what would be left?”
I’ve done it. Have you?
Why not?