Thursday, December 8, 2005

Woke up and felt like chewed bubblegum. Shot out an e-mail to folks at work, explaining how I felt and that I’d be in to work late. Not a problem; my calendar was clear today, and the program for which I’m responsible is hosting its customer today, so my “bosses” would be plenty busy without me.

So I got an extra couple of hours of sleep, and woke up feeling refreshed for once. Zipped in to work and took care of a few things, then came home a little early to get started on my baking.

Thus begins Christmas Cookie season. As I’ve mentioned to practically all of my friends and acquaintances recently, I’ll be baking about ten different types of Christmas cookies this weekend. To start off, I’m baking some of the more difficult cookies each night leading up to Sunday, when I’ll roll up my sleeves and bake the rest.

Tonight’s challenge: Candy Cane Cookies. They’re two strands of dough, one white and one red, twisted into the shape of a candy cane. They look great, but they’re a pain to make. You have to make the dough—which is near the consistency of bread dough, quite tough—and twist it into the appropriate shapes, despite it falling apart, then bake it for quite a bit longer than the recipe calls for, then transfer the cookies to the baking sheets without moving them too much or they’ll fall apart.

I still have nine of them whole. :sigh: Ah well.

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