
Today, I go all narcissistic and give you a list. Here are the podcasts that I currently listen to:

  • History According to Bob, in which a history professor talks for ten to twenty minutes about some odd or unusual or interesting bit of history. Sometimes it’s about a specific event (The U.S. Presidential Election of 1796), other times about an aspect of a larger event (prostitution during the American Civil War). He’s great to listen to, and he usually chooses fascinating stuff to talk about. Daily.
  • Introduction to Human Nutrition, the lectures in a course taught at U.C. Berkeley this year. Learn about how the body works, digestion, the effects of alcohol, water, malnutrition, etc. Fascinating stuff. Twice a week.
  • The Diner, a more old-school radio show in which James Lileks leads you through the goings-on at an old diner. Might sound boring, but it’s hilarious and fun and interesting and brilliant. Weekly.
  • this WEEK in TECH, a technology news show by several old faces from TechTV’s The Screen Savers. The group has great chemistry. Weekly.
  • Manager Tools, where a couple of professional coaches talk about ways to be a better manager and to better interact with your own manager. Weekly.
  • The Animation Podcast, in which Clay Kaytis interviews Disney animators and animation directors about the art of animation. Fascinating stuff, with lots of behind-the-scenes information about Disney animation throughout the decades. Bi-weekly.
  • ArtistLaunch.com Sunrise Podcast, an eclectic selection of “easy listening,” light jazz, and other music that’s interesting but easy on the ears. Bi-weekly.

There. Wasn’t that informative?


Gret Thanks, I’ve been meaning to ask you this very question.
Lara This Diner one sounds like PHC’s Lake Wobegon, a little.

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