Had a fun Memorial Day with my parents. All we did was go to the grocery store then stayed home and chatted, but that was great. It’s a real blessing to have parents with which that’s fun.
Came home and tried a bit of meditation. I recently read an excellent article about meditation, which
It was a very powerful experience. Afterwards, I felt much more alive and focused on the moment.
Then, after practicing a bit of Tai Chi, I watched some more Gundam Wing. It’s a much better show than I’d remembered, to be honest. It has a surprising amount of real, tense drama. The characters…well, they’re not especially complex, but then this is fiction. The characters are very
I’m trying to think of an example, but nothing really comes to mind. And I need sleep anyway, and I’m not going to sacrifice any more sleep than I have already. I respect my body too much for that.
And so, I go to bed.