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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

If you can see this, this site has moved to a new server. More information will be coming shortly. Much more.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Okay, I’m enjoying a breather at work, so I now have some time to actually write something here. It’s been a bruiser of a week. Just going non-stop, all day, every day. Evenings, too. I get home and realize that I’m out of, say, eggs. So a trip to the grocery store. Or I have a scheduled phone call with somebody. Or something. And work…well, I’ve realized that I’ve shifted into a new […]

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Spent a lovely evening with my parents, as usual. A great way to relax from a very tiring week. FYI, this site might be unavailable for a few days starting on Sunday, as Saalon and I take care of some underlying server issues. More on that later, once I have time. Meanwhile, since I’ve just returned from the grocery store and it’s 11:00 at night and I still need to take a shower, I’m going to save this, […]

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

A quick explanation of my recent blogging absence: The past few days have been bad. Quite bad. I’ve had some fun family problems, personal problems, and work has been amazingly stressful (my calendar has been literally full all day, every day; I’ve had to schedule my time in strict half-hour increments). And I have to go back to work now, where I know two people will be expecting me […]

Of Machines And Dinosaurs

Just got finished watching Metropolis (the original silent film) and The Lost World (ditto), which are both still…well, “great” isn’t exactly the right word. They don’t fully hold up to the test of time. Some of the acting is terrible, and a lot of the F/X are basic at best. But they were so impressive for their time. They’re so influential. Metropolis is inventive even by modern standards; the explicit symbolism in the film […]


It’s late and I’m tired, but I just can’t pass up the opportunity to blog about this particular day. It started with an incredibly busy day at work; meetings scheduled nonstop all morning (starting at 9:00), followed by an afternoon full of little jobs. Productive, but as I slung my bag over my shoulder at 5:00 I felt like I’d definitely earned my day’s pay. At least I’d been able to get out during […]

Priorities and Schedules and Cookies, The Interrelationships Thereof

Name a few major areas of your life that you find really satisfying—roles, projects, requirements; whatever you want to call them. Now, for each of them, what are you doing to maintain or move forward with them, and how much time are you devoting to them each week? It needn’t be a lot, but there should be some time on each one each week. If not, […]

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