Instant Ramen Comfort Food
While shopping at a high-end grocery store last week, I paused at the Asian aisle. Dozens of different instant ramen packages lined the aisles with characteristic military precision. And I figured, what the heck, I might as well try out a cheap, easy dish. So, today, I present a short review of “Nissin” brand instant ramen. I followed the directions exactly: I brought two and a half cups of water to a boil, then added the noodles. After a few minutes, […]
Brennen has managed to distill a crucial, often unnoticed aspect of digital communication in his post, the one about the real problem of networked text communication. His post is lucid, descriptive, flowing, and terrifically important. His post uses a beautiful metaphor to describe the tendency amongst connected geeks to cycle amongst multiple input streams, because there’s always something new to read. Maybe it’s an e-mail, maybe it’s an article on slashdot, […]
Monday, October 16, 2006
Well, this is certainly an odd feeling: I have Windows running on my MacBook laptop now. I ordered a copy of XP (with Service Pack 2) off eBay about a week ago, and it came today. I couldn’t resist installing it, and as expected, the Mac side of things went swimmingly, but the Windows side was annoying. Not terrible, just mildly annoying. I’ll write about it here in case anyone reading […]
A Cat and a Jacket
Tonight, one of the boys at AWANA left his jacket behind, so I brought it home so I could return it to him next week. I draped it over a bag on one side of my bedroom. Two minutes ago, one of the cats wandered in and sniffed it. She craned her neck forward, smelling deeply. She continued to sniff, all along the collar and along one side. She reared up on her back […]
Last night, I dreamed. I dreamt I went to work naked…and realized this and bought good-looking clothes on the way. I dreamt I got lost…and asked for directions. I dreamt I couldn’t remember how to get home…so I slept in a churchyard, and awoke (still dreaming) to yellow maple leaves below a clear blue sky. I dreamt that a strange man asked me to help him, and I dealt with him calmly and kindly. I awoke calmed, relaxed, and refreshed. (And late for work.) Comments: AndreDeLimburger […]
It’s Late, and I’m Tired
I seem unable to get a good night’s sleep lately. The pattern repeats: I wake up feeling drugged. I get to work, feeling tired, but as the day chugs along I chug along with it. By evening, I’m ready to tackle a few projects. Once my bedtime rolls around, I’m energized and lay awake in bed, unable to fall asleep. It doesn’t appear to be stressed. I’ve had several busy days at work in the past […]
Change of seasons
And, suddenly, it’s autumn. It’s been in the high 70’s and low 80’s every day through Wednesday of this week, and everyone’s been enjoying the daily blessing with short sleeves and smiles. Then on Thursday, the average temperature dropped thirty degrees. It’s cold and rainy and a bit windy. But at least the other shoe has dropped. It’s early October, and it finally feels like autumn. I’ve spent the newly-minted season […]
What is stress?
Just read this on ZenChill and it struck me powerfully: Stress is only my resistance to what is now. Comments: Raymond Thank you Brent for the feedback. I really appreciate it.
Halloween, or Hallowe’en
It’s October 1st, which means it’s time to begin my preparations for Halloween. I put out my Jack O’Lanterns today. These are realistic foam pumpkins that I’ve painted black Jack O’Lantern faces onto. They go next to my front door, in the little cluster of bushes underneath the big window. I lined the front walk with tin candle holders, that all have Jack O’Lantern faces on them. Starting a week […]