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16 Mar 07

Computers are glittering distractions.

15 Mar 07

In the middle of this very rough week, I’ve discovered Wikiversity, an open learning project to which anyone can contribute. It’s still an infant, which is part of what fascinates me. Potential nearly overflows its pages.

12 Mar 07

My favorite book is still Frank Herbert’s Dune, a sprawling tale of politics, prophecy, knife fights, religion, ecology, and duty (among other things). I envy Herbert’s consistency and fearlessness in telling such an ambitious story with such vivid, strong characters. Every character speaks in absolutes—rare in modern fiction. After spending too long on Wikipedia, I […]

10 Mar 07

The sky was a vast blue comforter, and the air was the perfect temperature. Today felt like spring. How could I not spend the day outside? Though I only spent a few minutes outside, it still felt wonderful. I did a bit of shopping this morning, had a fantastic lunch (tuna salad sandwich, a perfect […]

9 Mar 07

And that up there is the end of The Walk Home, my comic. Final panel. You can buy a printed copy for $6 at I bought one, and I’m proud of it. My first printed work. It’s a thrill to see your name in print, even when it’s print-on-demand.

7 Mar 07

Written on one of my index cards as I sat at a Latino restaurant this past weekend: What is excellence in waitering? Serving food well? No, anyone can bring plates to a table. Understanding customers’ needs? Yes. People want to be served, their desires granted. Listen. What do your clients want?

6 Mar 07

The dragon winds of March gallop through the fields and down the streets. The houses creak and moan in fear, and the trees flutter their hands in mute protest.

5 Mar 07

I finally finished the last volume I own of Astro Boy, volume 15 (it goes up to at least 23, according to Amazon). Its creator, Osamu Tezuka, was a breathtaking writer. In one simple boy’s action manga, he tackled bigotry, humanity, inhumanity, the nature of evil, and the nature of goodness. Not that his works […]

4 Mar 07

Last night at 10:30, I poured myself a small dish of expensive sake, sat out in my garden, and composed haiku as I watched clouds sail by the full moon. I can’t remember the haiku I wrote. Perhaps that is best.

3 Mar 07

Saw Amazing Grace last night, after a fantastic dinner of sushi and sake with Mandy. It was a surprisingly nuanced film. Those in favor of the slave trade weren’t all evil; in fact, all of them had positive sides. The film focused on the human rights abuses of the slave trade. All the characters were […]

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