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31 May 07

Tom Swift and His Jetmarine was as thoroughly entertaining as I’d hoped. A great read. Now, on to Shogun.

30 May 07

I really don’t like pressure.

29 May 07

I finally got my hands on a Tom Swift book. By luck, it’s the second book in the Tom Swift Jr. series (Tom Swift and His Jetmarine). I’ve been curious about the quality of these rousing adventures for years. And boy, is this book fun. It’s all breathtaking adventures and sci-fi inventions, though the author […]

28 May 07

Saw Spider-Man 3 last night, during a lovely evening spent with Mandy and Kirstin. I have a troubled history with the Spider-Man movies. The first one had comparatively little web-slinging action. And what action there was, was stunted by Peter’s lack of experience. It just didn’t have full-scale fun Marvel battles. Okay, I thought, it’s […]

27 May 07

Just finished reading Neal Gabler’s exhaustive biography, Walt Disney. What a man. He spent his entire life dissatisfied. The animations were never good enough. The parks never had enough rides. His legacy wasn’t big enough. This from a man who legitimized an art form, then immediately created several classics within that form. Then he revolutionized […]

26 May 07

It’s been a long, busy week. Events at work have sapped my strength, as have a few personal issues. Little to do with all of you, though. I finished the third draft of Giant Armors last weekend, and sent it out to friends for review and critique. If you want to look it over, drop […]

19 May 07

Woke up this morning. Ran down to the nature trail and back. Showered. Drank some orange juice while my oatmeal cooked, then ate that. Saalon called and we talked excitedly about the giant robot idea we’re working on. Ate some melon and a slice of bread for lunch. Went shopping. Came home, unpacked, started some […]

12 May 07

One of the most popular anime shows in Japan this season is Lucky Star, a screwball comedy about a couple of rather dense high school girls. The opening theme song always makes me smile. You can ignore the nonsense lyrics and just enjoy the over-the-top, fun, completely celebrational animation.

10 May 07

Yesterday was the last day of my web design class. It was a test of my teaching skills, and of my willingneess to teach regularly again. Teaching can drain you incredibly fast. I enjoyed myself. It was challenging, but I had plenty to say every night we met. Each week was different, which is almost […]

9 May 07

You may have noticed that the “recently photographed” image on this site rotated amongst a few recent photos. That’s because the battery door on my camera broke several weeks ago. I haven’t had the money to buy a replacement, thanks my job hop. So, I’ve removed the photo from the sidebar, until I can take […]

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