4 Sep 07
It’s really incredibly important to my creative juices that I have all my projects in list form. I accomplish a lot when I can refer to them at any time.
3 Sep 07
Accomplished less than I’d hoped, but plenty today. Lack of progress is due primarily to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I “took a break” to read, then paused when my stomach told me I was very late for dinner, four hundred pages later. In reading it, I’ve identified four primary dimensions of fiction […]
2 Sep 07
A bit of a wash this morning, but I refuse to let it keep me down. I awoke late and lazed around in bed all morning, then drove straight to my parents’ house to go to lunch and traverse a nearby garden with them. Had a grand time. Then, home for an hour so I […]
1 Sep 07
I realized several years ago that, despite living near Washington, D.C. all my life, I hadn’t been to the museums in over a decade. It’s a common malady: you don’t experience the things that are close, because they’re close. They’re mundane. You keep telling yourself, “Oh, I can do that any time.” So, every year […]
31 Aug 07
I won’t bore you with a litany of today’s accomplishments. In brief: I took today off work, and determined to make the day count. And I did. Most exciting development: I attached a MIDI-to-USB cable between my piano keyboard and computer, fired up GarageBand, and was able to play directly into my computer. In twenty […]
29 Aug 07
From The Accidental Creative: Todd Henry writes: There’s going to be some noticeable dips in quality and performance when we’re taking risks and trying new things, because taking risks requires more energy, requires more focus. There’s some sort of psychological trauma that’s inflicted on us whenever we take a risk, whenever we step out and […]
28 Aug 07
Thanks to my parents, I caught ImaginAsian TV’s Tuesday anime block tonight. Very interesting. Briefly: The Law of Ueki — Very standard shonen series. Not always a bad thing. Paradise Kiss — Neat little fashion-oriented show hampered by severely limited animation budget. Ayakashi: Classic Japanese Horror — Well-done and refreshingly mature, but as is common […]
27 Aug 07
I spent the weekend relaxing, pretty much. And if you believe in yin/yang retribution for goofing off, then I paid for it. Saturday, I puttered around the house, then enjoyed the company of my friends at Guy’s Night Out, where we watched Logan’s Run (a film I still love) and Sahara (which is a perfect […]
24 Aug 07
Some days, you just come home and watch two episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 back-to-back, and then go to bed. Not that your day was bad. Not that you’re depressed or frustrated. Your brain just wants to be switched off and amused for an evening. And that’s fine. (They were “Teenagers from Outer Space” […]
23 Aug 07
I just finished watching Gravion Zwei, a modern twelve-episode giant robot series. It’s ridiculous. It’s over-the-top. It’s full of maids, giant robot combination sequences, fanservice, teenagers screaming their attack moves, and bickering teens who really love each other. It is a perfect example of its genre. It is clearly pushing every genre convention to its […]