The IMDb and WALL-E

Surprised how many folks don’t know about the IMDb, or the Internet Movie Database. It’s a massive online database of pretty much every movie ever made, with entries for actors, quotes, trivia, etc. And they’re all hyperlinked, so you can go from a movie, to an actor in that movie, to another movie that the actor was in, ”etc.’

It’s not perfect; the general public adds and updates entries on the IMDb, so some entries are wrong or mis-identify an actor. But that’s somewhat rare, and overall, it’s a comprehensive resource.

It’s what I use on my sidebar, listing the most recent movies I’ve seen. Including WALL-E, which I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend. Not my favorite Pixar film, but entertaining throughout and with a good message that’s not preachy. Once again, Pixar can do no wrong.

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