Smart Computer Security – an eBook


I’ve noticed that a lot of folks online don’t take security very seriously. They use weak passwords (123456, their name, etc.), they use the same password everywhere, they don’t change their passwords, they turn off their virus scanner; every security violation you can think of.

And I can understand that. It’s annoying and time-consuming. Besides, even if you want to be more secure, where do you start? What do you do?

So, I’ve written an eBook that answers those questions. It includes a comprehensive plan for identifying areas where you could be more secure, and what you can do to be more safe. It includes links to solid software to plug security holes, and a complete description of my own (somewhat paranoid) security procedures.

You can buy my Smart Computer Security eBook for $9.99 at Your Online Life. It’ll be sent to your email inbox within 24 hours, as a PDF file which you can read on any computer.

As always, let me know what you think of it.

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