Why Who?
Decided to relax last night and watch a few episodes of classic Doctor Who. (Yes, yes, the new Doctor Who is great. Thank you.) Why should I watch classic Doctor Who? It’s cheesy, over-acted, and low-budget. Watching classic Doctor Who is like reading second-tier science fiction. It may not blow your mind, but it’ll have a few memorable moments, a nice monologue, and an interesting premise […]
Pics and Punchlines
Just stumbled across a stunningly different photo blog — the photographer works in Japan, taking photos of everyday people and situations on the street. The color’s always unexpected, and the subjects atypical. Warning: Some of these photos show naked dolls, so if you don’t want to see doll breasts and butts, don’t click below: Pics and Punchlines A sample:

Well That Was Easy
As mentioned in my previous entry, I downloaded the iPad/iPhone SDK Thursday night, and played around with it. I now have a simple text adventure for the iPad, complete with four rooms and an inventory. In less than 24 hours. I struggled with a few things. One has to go through several steps to wire up a UI element like a button or text view. Each module and model has its own role to play, and their interactions […]
Wet Toes
In a fit of curiosity and a desire to seriously research a new field of programming, tonight I downloaded the iPad SDK and built a trivial iPad app. As expected, Apple made development relatively easy. The free development tools are comprehensive and easy to use. Also as expected, I’m still confused by all the files that go into an app. There are nibs, and Resources, and all sorts of things that simply don’t have obvious functions. I decided to read […]

Meeting the Robinsons
Growing up, I wanted to be an inventor. I think it started with my Mom giving me a copy of Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, saying, “I think you’ll like this.” Did I ever. I devoured Verne and H.G. Wells, then moved on to more modern SF literature. I was attracted to the role of the inventor, always coming up with new inventions. I knew it wouldn’t be as simple as it was in the cartoons I watched […]
15 Thoughts on the iPad (updated)
A dry description of the iPad’s actual features and usability will not sell anyone who doesn’t want one. Nevertheless, here’s a list of my impressions: It’s slick. This is what Apple can do: make something we’ve all seen demos of feel not only practical, but sexy. Every basic part of the device works well, and the hardware feels more solid than the iPhone’s. The accelerometer feels more sensitive and the screen […]