So. This webserver died a few days ago, which is why I haven’t been updating recently. I’d explain, but I don’t want to risk the ire of my current hosting company. Suffice to say I’m less than thrilled with their service.
Though it was kind of nice to be away from
“Liming” is a term used by some Caribbean population to refer to their
The natives explained that, when the ships from the Old World came, the sailors were always sick from scurvy…until one ship came with lively sailors who had brought limes to punch up their cuisine. And of course, the citrus in the limes prevented scurvy. The Caribbeans adopted the word to describe their own practice of allowing “the spice of life” to completely consume you while you’re off work. Of completely recharging every single day.
So I’ve been “liming.” Yesterday, that meant going to my parents’ house for dinner and staying until well into the night, eating and talking and laughing at terrible old TV shows. Tonight, that will mean watching a lot of Good Eats, or otherwise just letting go.
Wish me luck.