Neil Fiore’s The Now Habit
I’ve heard good things about Neil Fiore’s The NOW Habit, so I finally read the thing a few weeks back. It’s good. Didn’t change my life, as it apparently did for others, but I gleaned some good ideas from it. In particular, Fiore recommends that you rest, then work. Schedule and take breaks before you […]
Johnny Bunko and His Career
Just finished—literally, just—a career management book called The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need. It’s pretty short, it’s got good advice, and it’s got great art. It needs to be : it’s a manga. This sort of thing is commonplace in Japan, where you’ll find how-to manga on just about […]
Incentives and Work
I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About a great many things. I’m tremendously fortunate in being able to pursue a freelance career. While I don’t have a lot of cash to throw at this venture, I’ll be fine for at least a few more months. Far more than most can manage. But I haven’t been […]
Four Tips for Reading Many Input Streams and Maintaining your Sanity
I keep up with a lot of different streams of input: emails, blogs, comics, Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, and IM. I have much to learn, but here’s what I have learned: Skim. Don’t worry about catching every bit of every email. Start by skimming, then pay closer attention if the content rewards it. Keep up. If […]
Charging up Napoleon Hill
I’ve heard positive things about Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, so I grabbed the free sample for my Kindle, and have been reading it over the past few days. It’s the Law of Attraction, but presented in the way that I’ve found true: that which you focus on, and consistently strive for, will come […]
Wisdom of the Chinese
This is from a book I stumbled on a few weeks ago at a used book store in town: The disciple Kung-too said: “All are equally men, but some are great men, and some are little men; how is this?” Mencius replied: “Those who follow that part of themselves which is great are great men; […]
Tenacity and Tech
So, a few years ago there was this TV channel called Tech TV. And the most popular show on that channel was The Screen Savers, a call-in tech variety show in which two guys and a crew of geeks covered all sorts of technology news and trends and such. Then, Tech TV died. So what […]
RescueTime – Not For Me
I’ve been testing out RescueTime, a service that tracks and plots your computer usage. The idea is that it’ll give you an idea of what’s wasting your time. You install a small app and let it run. Every few minutes, it uploads usage stats to, which you can access at any time to check […]
Henry David Thoreau writes: It is not enough to be busy….The question is: What are we busy about?
The Productivity Video
Because a number of folks have expressed interest in knowing how one person has implemented a productivity system, I’ve uploaded a video where I walk through mine. I take it from writing down a note to myself, through to processing it into my system, and how my system works.