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Saturday, March 17, 2001 — St. Patrick’s Day

If I feel like it, I may flesh this out into a full-scale retelling of events, but for now I’ll record that I rushed in to Alexandria this morning to take part in “Coffee and Classics,” a bi-weekly Christian book discussion. Myself and three others discussed the first ten chapters of Spurgeon’s All of Grace, which addresses many facets of salvation and faith. (I also mentioned some religious discussions I’ve been having with a friend, […]

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

I see there’s a new episode of Otaku Television up. And they’ve got a new host, who manages to be silly-funny without being silly-funny-stupid. Not an easy task. The episode itself consists almost exclusively of Katsucon footage and interviews, but then that’s not a bad thing. Had an interesting idea yesterday when talking to Saalon, about writing a fantasy novel. I’d like to get one written in the next six months or so, […]

Monday, March 12, 2001

Well, last night I took the plunge and finally had a long religious conversation with a friend of mine online. He feels a lot of hatred towards God because of some unfortunate stuff that happened to him as a child, and I’ve been trying to show him that that stuff wasn’t exactly God’s fault. But it’s difficult for me, because he’s hardened his heart, and I’ve realized lately that I try to win […]

Saturday, March 10, 2001

Spent most of today in my garden, cleaning and prepping for spring. Working in a garden can be so…freeing. It’s an odd feeling, one that I don’t really get from anything else. We had company for dinner, so I cleaned my part of the house very very thoroughly (it needed a spot of spring cleaning anyway), then curled up in my room with the TV on. I rarely watch TV anymore, but a few good things […]

Friday, March 9, 2001

OK, so I stumbled across this at Target a couple of months ago, and was so dumbfounded that I had to share it. Batman Beyond is an action/adventure animated show set in the relatively near future. It’s very edgy, aimed at an older audience than most American animated shows (specifically, young teens), and emphasizes a sleek techno future. Which makes it ideal for valentines, don’t you think? I remember all the mushy […]

Thursday, March 8, 2001

Well, I’m starting to organize some of the animators for Wine, showing them my notes and just generally getting them up-to-speed on the project. I stayed up way too late last night, poring through a book I own about writing 3D space combat-style game engines. I’ve been itching to write a computer game lately, and I’m tempted to write up something. Not a 3D game, just yet, but maybe a simple top-down […]

Wednesday, March 7, 2001

I’m trying to get back into exercising. Unfortunately, I’ve been working really long hours at work recently, and so I haven’t had the energy to exercise (which shouldn’t be an excuse, since exercising gives you energy; in fact, I really should exercise most at this time, when I need as much energy as I can get). It’s been a couple of weeks since I went to the gym. So, I went to the gym today, and went quite […]

Tuesday, March 6, 2001

Woohoo! The character designer’s agreed to do the work for Wine. Life is GOOD. I’ve also been spending some time on alt.fiction.original, which is a place for posting and critiquing short fiction. There’s a fair amount of truly bad stuff, but some good things too, and I’m enjoying the community there. I recently got some very generous compliments about my editing abilities there, which has spurred me on to spend more […]

Monday, March 5, 2001

Arrrrrg. This has to be one of the most frustrating experiences in recent memory. I have this animated series that I want to make, called Wine to Those in Anguish, out of my own pocket. I’ve found a terrific character designer. He expressed cautious interest, but wanted to look over my ideas first. I pointed him to my online repository of scripts, episode summaries, etc. He kinda freaked. The problem is that I put in a couple […]

Sunday, March 4, 2001

Seems I forgot to mention that I posted a review of the first DVD of the Rurouni Kenshin TV series. Which is a really cool show; it manages to combine cool samurai action with a light romance plot and a lot of rather bizarre humor. I like it a lot. I’m heading back in to Intersect today. I have a few more hours’ worth of work to do, unfortunately. I figure that by the end of today, I’ll have worked a 70-hour […]

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