Thursday, April 5, 2001

Despite the coarse language, I laughed out loud at these outtakes (now defunct) from Thundercats and Silverhawks. Sometimes you just can’t stay serious when doing these sorts of things. # 7, # 5, and # 9 had me going particularly. And Silverhawks #8 is quite good.

I also stumbled across Only One (now defunct), yet another anime-style online comic strip. It’s, honestly, not very well-drawn. But it’s also really good, in ways I can’t explain.

I only got a few hours of sleep last night, but not because of staying up late — I went to bed at midnight (I don’t get up until 8:00 in the morning, so that’s a decent bedtime), but sleep refused to come no matter how hard I tried. So, I spent some time re-working the library, which really needs an overhaul. I think I’ve got something that will do very nicely.

I also came up with some thoughts on how to re-write the first episode of Wine. I know now what I want to get across, and in what directorial style. I’m hoping to get that written in the next couple of days. Well, ideally, I’d write it tonight, but I can’t be sure that I can get to it.

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