Well, I didn’t write a diary entry yesterday, but that’s for two reasons: One, Pendragon refused to boot yesterday evening. The BeOS Tracker wouldn’t load, no matter how many times I rebooted or
Two, I stayed up until 11:00 p.m. talking with my parents. We covered a whole bunch of topics, and had a pleasant time, but I went to bed feeling
I tried to wake up at 5:30 for Men’s Academy, but couldn’t keep my eyes open. Frustratingly, once I went back to bed, I couldn’t fall completely asleep. So, I dozed fitfully for about an hour, before turning on the news, and then checking some websites before getting ready for work.
And that’s been my day so far.
What else…oh, well, I tried to watch Night on the Galactic Railroad. The film is slow. Very slow. I can take slow, but not when it’s pointlessly slow. It takes the protagonist
This disappointed me, because Night is a Kenji Miyazawa story, Miyazawa being a Japanese poet and writer for whom I have gained deep respect, thanks to Spring and Chaos. Perhaps I need a Japanese perspective to be able to enjoy Night on the Galactic Railroad.
I also watched episode seven of Gasaraki. It’s an impressive ending to the first two discs, which form a