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October 8, 2002

Bookshelved is a relatively new Wiki devoted to literature. It strikes me as a perfect application of the Wiki concept: collaborative creation of a database of authors and books, including discussion, using a simple interface. Not unlike the IMDb, except without a complicated registration process (which can be good and can be bad). Also, Bookshelved has an intriguing notion that a Wiki can be seen as a game. Brennen writes a fascinating article about […]

October 4, 2002

The entire script of The Princess Bride. Ahhh, I’d forgotten how great this is. IMPRESSIVE CLERGYMAN(clears his throat, begins to speak) Mawidge…mawidge is what bwings us togewer today… He has an impediment that would stop a clock. Signal vs. Noise is a weblog from the team at 37signals. At SVN, you’ll find musings and dialogue on the web world, design, entertainment, politics and whatever else they feel like talking […]

October 3, 2002

Huh. Argentosoma is an anime mech series coming to American shores. Looks very funky. 3:39 p.m. How Software Companies Die, by Orson Scott Card. Heh. 3:39 p.m. Hey, CD Japan has a lovely new interface. And it’s a great place to find Japanese anime and music directly from Japan. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately on the Extreme Programming section of the WikiWikiWeb. There’s a lot of material on there […]

Tuesday, October 1, 2002

“New Music Jukebox, an imaginatively conceived online library sponsored by the American Music Center, might wind up as the digital equivalent of [a] slush pile. But it also has the potential to bring a wider variety of works by American composers to the attention of performers, students, artistic administrators, choreographers and critics…the site will function as a clearinghouse where anyone can search for works by composer, genre or instrumentation and access score or sound files directly or via links […]

Monday, September 30, 2002

A few brief updates: I saw Spirited Away again on Saturday, with a friend whom I’m slyly trying to turn into a Hayao Miyazaki afficionado. I’ll loan him Princess Mononoke tonight. I’ve written a review of Spirited Away, but haven’t had a chance to post it yet. Maybe tonight. I’ve also got a comparison of the Japanese and American versions of Kiki’s Delivery Service, which are surprisingly divergent. Read it […]

September 26, 2002

Oh, how cool! Apogee Games has a multi-page retrospective on Commander Keen. I want a copy of LindowsOS. Really. I’m seriously interested.

September 25, 2002

Here’s a nice little blog from a website designer. Nicely written, nicely designed, and rants are kept neatly trimmed. In case you’ve all (ha!) been wondering where I’ve been over the past few days, I came down with bronchitis on Friday and have been lying in bed since. Until today, that is. The only respite came when I discovered that Hayao Miyazaki‘s Spirited Away was showing […]

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Happy Birthday, :-) The :-) smiley turns 20 today. It was first proposed by Scott E. Fahlman (a CMU researcher) in 1982, a fact that was recently verified thanks to a 60-hour manhunt reminiscent of Speak Like a Child, where CMU sysadmins searched through dingy storage rooms for an ancient tape drive to read the backup tape containing Fahlman’s original message.

September 17, 2002

And here’s another note: CQ is a romantic comedy about a movie director trying to make a goofy sci-fi fantasy. Sounds very cool. Also interesting, in a completely different way, is Crossroads of Freedom, a look at the battle of Antietam that’s earning rave reviews. 11:40 a.m. “Intentional Programming is an extendible programming environment based on Active Source which was being researched by Microsoft. Program source is represented as a data structure […]

Monday, September 16, 2002

This is cool: FTP-based source code control. Simple and effective.

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