Wednesday, January 19, 2005

[Paranoia Agent image]

It’s going to be a bulleted list day, mainly because I got quite a bit done.

  • Stopped by Suncoast and bought Paranioa Agent volume 2, Samura Champloo volume 1, R.O.D the TV volume 4, and El Mariachi.
  • Watched two more episodes of Gundam SEED, which is becoming increasingly fantastic, and episode five of Paranoia Agent, which continues the almost unimaginable excellence of the first four episodes.
  • Made chili in preparation for the Chili Cook-Off at work, and it turned out quite tasty. Easy recipe: Brown two pounds of ground beef (seasoned with salt, pepper, and chile powder), chop two onions and sweat them with some oil and garlic for a few minutes in a large pot, then add two chopped red bell peppers, five chopped chiles (heads and seeds removed), a can of beans, and a can of crushed tomatoes. Simmer for ten minutes, then add the beef and lower the heat to low-medium and cook for 45 minutes.
  • Wrote a decent ending to “The Old Man,” though I’m still not happy with it. I may need to write a few more endings, just to figure out how I really want to end it.

In other news, my new laptop is holding up pretty well, though it feels cheaper than Navi. The keys feel fragile and the material feels thinner, more like a child’s toy than a piece of serious hardware. The hard drive’s much louder, too. I don’t know; maybe it’s just me, and my frustration in unexpectedly having to pay $1,300 for it (which I honestly can’t afford, and had to put on my already charge-heavy Visa card).

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