Status Report

I didn’t bake as many cookies as I’d hoped; I only have six batches complete now, which is four short of my goal. But then, my parents were here for most of the day; my Mom sewing curtains and my Dad cleaning up the grout in my little foyer for me, so I was spending a good amount of the day with them. Plus we went out to lunch.

Not that I’m complaining at all; we had a great time, and I’m always glad to have them over. I should be able to finish the cookies this week. In fact, I may be able to make two batches tomorrow, since I have two doughs sitting in the fridge.

Saturday was a bit more exciting; I had an Otherspace meeting. We’re making good progress on the DC Anime Club TV ad, but more importantly, I had a great time at the meeting. We were comfortable. We chatted and laughed and worked. It was exactly how I want this studio to be.

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