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22 Aug 07

If you were to parody Web 2.0, you could hardly do better than eSwarm. (If you’re not familiar with the term, “Web 2.0” was coined recently to describe the next generation of websites, characterized by community-driven content that uses the web as a platform instead of a destination in itself.) I have nothing against Web […]

21 Aug 07

Sure enough, my block of YouTube helped me to be more “productive” today, in the sense that my leisure was directed towards things that I really care about. I watched a lot of anime today, chugging through my to-watch pile nicely. I got through about a third of Gun Frontier, a fun show in which […]

20 Aug 07

Aaand I come down with a cold. Just in time to affect work. Great. So I spent the day watching clips on YouTube. Wish I didn’t; this evening, I changed my hosts file to block YouTube. I enjoyed myself, but I could’ve just as easily spent my time watching anime, which rewards watching. I did […]

18 Aug 07

A perfect day. Just when the cheeks start to feel a little warm, a light breeze sweeps through, and the deep green leaves flicker. I spent most of the day wandering around town, deeply exploring all the little shops and cafes that I usually walk by. I found lots of neat places. Finally tried out […]

17 Aug 07

I sat down tonight to assemble chapter one of Grave Thoughts, and got myself thoroughly confused and frustrated. I didn’t keep track of which drawings correspond to which line of dialog, and I think I’m either way ahead or way behind. I’ll probably have to work my way backwards from the end. All because I […]

16 Aug 07

Still busy. Still watching anime (more Beck and an episode of Noein). Made a cake tonight, and assembled more of Grave Thoughts chapter 1. And that’s time-consuming (the comic), but it’s a new skill for me. Unlike anything I’ve done before. So, probably useful in the future. Or not. In some ways, I think it’s […]

15 Aug 07

Busy week. On a whim, I picked up the latest issue of Fine Gardening, and got inspired by an article on front entrances. So, I’ve been working on my front yard, adding plants and generally improving it. The article advises that you treat your front walk almost like a series of hypnotic suggestions. You step […]

14 Aug 07

13 Aug 07

The Old Testament is about behavior. The New Testament is about attitude.

12 Aug 07

Today is best described as relaxation to busy-ness. Gah, horribly phrased. Anyway. After yesterday’s relaxation, I spent this morning and early afternoon at my parents’ house, then bought some plants on the way home, got home, and pushed myself to really get some stuff accomplished. Completed: two loads of laundry, a loaf of bread, a […]

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