Saalon, The Weekend, and Podcasting


So Saalon came down last weekend to hang out. He DM’ed a D&D 4th Edition game for me and some friends; a grand time was had by all. We beat the X-Men arcade game, and played Super Gem Fighter Mini-Mix, and generally hung out.

One of the friends was Nick, so while we were together, we sat down in my studio and recorded a podcast.

So we clustered around my laptop, where I pulled up Audacity, hit the Record button, and away we went. ‘Twas a strange situation.

We first started talking together when we all trooped to Otakon last year. We conversed with surprising ease, and when we agreed to try recording a podcast together over Skype, I was again surprised to hear our conversation flow smoothly and naturally. We respect each other. We can disagree and challenge each other, while really listening to each others’ points of view.

So this was our first podcast recorded while sitting in the same room together. And it worked. Smooth as silk.

I’m a bit perturbed by the mediocre audio, but we were all leaning in to my laptop microphone. It’s certainly audible, but I wish I had a good microphone. I wish I knew of a good microphone that costs less than $100. At least my studio has carpeting and one concrete wall, so there was minimal echo.

Overall, a great success, and I’m glad we did it.

(Oh, and this means that episode 4 of Otaku, No Video is out.)

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