Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 5

A month into my experiment in spending less! Let’s see what this week totals:

Saturday $0.00
Sunday $5.50 Snacks
Monday $114.23 Candles, bird seed, plant bulbs, groceries
Tuesday $17.42 More groceries, cookies
Wednesday $3.47 Milk
Thursday $10.07 Dinner
Friday $0.00
Total $150.69

To be fair, I was at a wedding last weekend, so I didn’t have to spend any money there.

What I find most interesting here is the large amount of money I spent on Monday, just on a $15 candle, $44 of groceries, and $53 at Home Depot. Without those, I would have spent practically nothing this week.

I’m also surprised that, for me, a day without spending money is rare.

One response to “Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 5”

  1. Woodworking Project Plans

    Wow, a day without spending money is rare.

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