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Hitting the “Pause” Button on Giant Armors

Those of you familiar with my Giant Armors project may wonder how it’s going. It isn’t. I’ve been stuck for months. Not with writer’s block, exactly. I’ve known what needs to be done, I’ve just had no creative juice for it. It’s weird. I know how to sit down and work at writing. I know […]

Why Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Is Worth Watching

Why Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Is Worth Watching

Note: This is the second in my series of articles on each show in the Gundam franchise. I don’t have a specific schedule for this; I’m just writing these reviews as I feel like it. The last one was Why You Should Watch Mobile Suit Gundam. Four years after the broadcast of the original Mobile Suit Gundam (which was not particularly popular during its broadcast), and the increasing popularity thereof thanks to the three movie […]

Six Months of Tabletop RPG Sales

About six months ago, I started publishing tabletop RPG PDFs under the name Brent P. Newhall’s Musaeum of Fantastic Wonders, starting with the short adventure War in the Deep in November 2008 and continuing with the sandbox setting The City of Talon in March 2009. I publish through DriveThruRPG, which takes a percentage of each PDF sale. The PDFs themselves are unrestricted. I’ve always been a bit frustrated at the lack of real numbers about […]

Seven Lessons Learned from Running a Tabletop RPG with a Big Group

We can have up to 10 players at my tabletop gaming group. That’s a lot of people to manage; most groups max out at 5 or so. While I’m trying to get better at splitting the group up with another GM, I’ve had times where I’ve had to run a game wtih 10 players. A […]

Why You Should Watch Mobile Suit Gundam

Why You Should Watch Mobile Suit Gundam

This is intended to be the first of a multi-part series where I write about each major animated work in the Gundam universe. I want people to know what each of these shows has to offer. About spoilers: I won’t tell you who dies, but this is a review of a 30-year-old show, for Pete’s sake. Anything I write about here has long since been analyzed frame-by-frame on 2ch. Mobile Suit Gundam, of course, […]



A few weeks ago, my role-playing group tried to add a virtual player. Wait. Back up. One of our regular players went off to college. Worse, she’s one of the best role-players in the group. I pined for her. For those of you unfamiliar with tabletop role-playing: A bunch of friends sit around a table. One of them lays out a situation, while the others pretend to be people in that situation, and narrate their reactions to the situation. So, […]

Just A Geek Speaking at PAX

Wil Wheaton is an awesome person, and a great writer (I’m reading his latest book, Just a Geek, and am thoroughly sucked in. And it’s an autobiography). I heard last year that he gave the keynote speech at the Penny Arcade Expo (a.k.a. PAX). All I could find was an audio recording. I sat, dumbfounded, listening to it all, laughing at all the right moments. The speech was human, and emotional, and actually made important […]

Mixing It Up

You may have noticed a completely new homepage here. I’ve decided to make the homepage more of a central launching pad for my online content. This will undoubtedly change more over time (I’m already thinking of adding a Flickr stream). The main advantage is that this new design will let you see more of what […]

Tracking web traffic with Google Analytics

So, let’s say you have a website. That means you’re broadcasting information to the world, and presumably other people consume that information. How do you know what people like about your content? How do you know what’s popular? Some web hosting companies will provide a few pages of hit tracking. Setting up your own hit tracker and integrating it onto your site […]

Eulogizing Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive

There are a number of blog posts and articles about essential business books. “Ten books everyone entering the working world should read,” and such. I only have two. One, Getting Things Done, I’ve already talked about quite a bit here. Just about everyone needs some way to organize their work. GTD does a great job […]

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