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Friday, May 14, 1999

Well, my friend Eric is coming down for the weekend this Saturday, so probably no updates for a few days. We hope to get work out better direction on Daemonsong and Papyrus, and decide what we’re going to do on a few other projects. I’ll have a complete report, don’t you worry. ;-) The Sci-Fi Channel has been showing a hilarious bunch of…well, basically, they’re short-short-shorts, not really ads, about […]

Friday, May 14, 1999

Well, my friend Eric is coming down for the weekend this Saturday, so probably no updates for a few days. We hope to get work out better direction on Daemonsong and Papyrus, and decide what we’re going to do on a few other projects. I’ll have a complete report, don’t you worry. ;-) The Sci-Fi Channel has been showing a hilarious bunch of…well, basically, they’re short-short-shorts, not really ads, about […]

Wednesday, May 12, 1999

Woohoo! I’m off the 50-hour weeks, and my class ends this Saturday! I’ll be back to normal in no time! OTOH, I’m frustrated in that I’ve been trying to get Episode I tickets for the past two and a half hours, to no avail. All the phone lines and websites are busy/down. In a way I’m amused that nobody expected such a large response, while in another way…arg. Update: 9:59 pm. Eastern ‘Nuff […]

Tuesday, May 11, 1999

I started work on a financial application for the BeOS last night, and it’s coming along nicely. I have to admit: I’m enjoying figuring out exactly how everything hangs together, and I’m getting more and more impressed at the BeOS programming structure as I work with it. It’s not that it’s amazingly innovative; it’s just so clean and straightforward, especially for a GUI language. Anyway, I’ll post more information as I progress on that. There […]

Monday, May 10, 1999

Brennen has a very good perspective on Star Wars: Episode I, over on his diary. Oh, and a tip from a friend: the soundtrack contains major spoilers. I see the seti@home project is building up momentum. It’s basically a screensaver that downloads data from the computers at the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, and performs some analyses on them. Who knows, you could be the one to discover that we’re not alone. Only a Unix […]

Thursday, May 6, 1999

Well, after a 14-hour day at the office yesterday, I was back today for 10 hours. This new schedule really kinda sucks. I finally managed to update Papyrus with the new interview and editorial. Only five days late. Yuck. And I still have to pay for some of this stuff.

Wednesday, May 5, 1999

Erg, long day at the office. Don’t ask. Nothing really to report.

Tuesday, May 4, 1999

Episode I is coming. It is near. Soon, it will be upon us. Does anyone else find it humorous why popular media (and others) reporting on the Episode I frenzy find it so hard to comprehend? They’re labelling all the rabid fans as…well, rabid fans. But why do people have a hard time understanding this? Movies are true experiences. The first three […]

Monday, May 3, 1999

Ugh. That little sickness Saturday morning blossomed into a full-blown illness come noon. Rather than share the ugly details, suffice it to say that thanks to complete bedrest over the entire weekend (thus delaying the May issue of Papyrus even further), I’m pretty much back to normal. Work continues pretty well, though this schedule is starting to wear thin. With the market being the way it […]

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Just got in my state taxes…whew! Today was the deadline. I’m feeling rather sick at the moment, so updates may be infrequent for awhile. Unless I get some more books read, which I’d *love* to do, but…Papyrus needs updating, I need to do some research for my VB class, and of course work takes chunks out of the days. I don’t think I’ll be going in to work today, as I usually do under our new […]

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