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Friday, September 17, 1999

James Marsden has been cast as Cyclops in the new X-Men movie. Evidently he’s been babbling away about how cool it is. Which I like; it’s nice to see an actor who absolutely enjoys the coolness of a role. In other film news, there are reports that Disney will be making a Pearl Harbor film that they want to make “more expensive than Titanic.” Excuse me, but […]

Thursday, September 16, 1999

I’m home from work today. It looks like Hurricane Floyd won’t be as bad as they predicated, at least in this area, but I’m playing it safe nonetheless. I brought some work home with me, so I can at least claim that…. My Mom’s back from surgery, which went well. She’s in quite a bit of pain, and she hasn’t regained her appetite, but those are the only […]

Wednesday, September 15, 1999

Huzzah! My newsreader (pretty much) works! Well, it can only view messages that are already on the system, but at least now the user can navigate through newsgroups, header lists, and messages. I’ll upload a screenshot next time I get a chance. And my Mom’s going in for surgery today at 3:00. It’s a gall bladder removal, and it’s a standard operation, so she should have nothing to worry about. But she will […]

Tuesday, September 14, 1999

I’ve got a new poll, relating to evacuation and government disaster warnings. Whee! And, inspired by my little exercise yesterday, I’ve created a new section on the site: You Must Be Kidding Me, a page where you can instantly caption photos from the news. I’ve added a few new ones, plus several of yesterday’s pics. I worked out quite a bit of that newsreader yesterday — I know how the settings will […]

Monday, September 13, 1999

It’s been a rather slow day. Not much happened yesterday, other than a bit of work in the paddock. I’ve been sketching out a few ideas for my BeOS newsreader. And thus, I present to you the First Ever Brent P. Newhall News Photo Captioning…Thing. Enjoy. (Indonesian President Habibie speaking about East Timor) “I’ll have an iced double cappuccino, please.” (Our President in a meeting about East Timor) Should I have […]

Saturday, September 11, 1999

Cool! You’ll find my mug (it isn’t my best pic, unfortunately), plus my opinions on BeOS, on page 132 of the October issue of PC World, which should be delivered to subscribers right about now.

Friday, September 10, 1999

Yesterday went quite well — I got my shopping done, with enough ingredients to make dinner tonight. I’ve been in a baking mood lately, particularly after my Cornish Pasties came out so well. Tonight we’ll be having Chicken Honey Mustard Pie, courtesy of Pie I was amazed to see Pokemon stuff everywhere. Not that that’s a bad thing; it’s just that everybody was selling […]

Thursday, September 9, 1999

I’m planning to spend a good part of today doing errands — I have a few birthday presents to pick up, plus some groceries to get, and I haven’t bothered to get the battery in my watch replaced for months. Following Brennen’s suggestion, I’ve decided to suspend my work on a discussion board. It would have been fun to implement, but he’s right — I’d need more traffic on this site first. And I certainly have other […]

Wednesday, September 8, 1999

Ahhhh…finally free for four whole days! I’ve decided to start work on a BeOS newsreader, one which is both attractive to look at, and reasonably full-featured. I’ll post screenshots as I work on it. As I researched on newsreaders, I came upon, which provides information about and rates various Usenet news readers. They even have a Good Net-Keeping Seal Of Approval, which is only given to newsreaders that encourage good netiquette […]

Tuesday, September 7, 1999

I hope everyone’s Labor Day weekends went well. I’m finally finished with my screen resolution changes at work. Just a few more things to fiddle with, then I can take some time off. And hopefully now I can do a more diary updates. Regarding my text adventure game: I’ve been thinking of writing a few rooms and just posting that, adding to it over time. My original plan was to wait […]

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